BlueCielo Publisher 2012 Administrator's Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions

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Installing components on the Publisher computer

The Publisher server is where the BlueCielo Application Manager and related components should be installed. The BlueCielo Application Manager includes business and data access components and is used to configure some BlueCielo applications. These components should be installed on a Windows server running Internet Information Services (IIS) on which you want to host Publisher.

The components are installed using the Publisher setup program. The Publisher engine and the BlueCielo Application Manager are integral parts of:

Before you begin

To install the components:

  1. Open BlueCielo Publisher.msi. The InstallShield Wizard for BlueCielo Publisher dialog box appears.
  2. Click Next. The Destination Folder page appears.
  3. Accept the default folder or click Change to select a different folder.
  4. Click Next. The Custom Setup page appears. The most common components are selected for installation by default.

Review the selections in each branch using the descriptions in the following table. Click the or icon and select an installation option from the shortcut menu that appears. Select only those components for which you have purchased and installed licenses.

Publisher setup component branches
Branch Description

BC [M] Explorer

Components to install on a BlueCielo Meridian Explorer or Data Library server. These components are not necessary to install only BlueCielo Publisher.

System links

BlueCielo Publisher system links available in this release.

Rendering modules

BlueCielo Publisher rendering modules available in this release.

Post-rendering tools

BlueCielo Publisher watermarking and electronic signature components.

Publishing tools

BlueCielo Publisher optional components.

  1. Click Next. The Ready to Install the Program page appears.
  2. Click Install. The Installing BlueCielo Publisher page appears and shows the installation status until the installation has completed and the InstallShield Wizard Completed page appears.
  3. Click Finish to close the wizard.
  4. If the AutoVue rendering module was installed, the AutoVue Document Converter dialog will display the installation results. Click OK to close the dialog.
  5. If a rendering module will be used that starts a native application (for example, AutoCAD, Autodesk Inventor, Microsoft Office, and so on), install and configure the native application on the Publisher computer.
  6. If AutoCAD drawings will be rendered with the AutoVue rendering module that use custom font (.shx) files, place copies of the font files in the following location after installation:

    C:\Program Files\Common Files\Cyco Shared\AutoVue\Fonts
  7. Confirm whether the server and client computers require the optimization of application load times as described in Disabling assembly signature verification.

Related concepts

About installing the Publisher

NEW Understanding Publisher clustering

Related tasks

Installing components on a Meridian Enterprise application server

Installing components on a Windows file server

Configuring the BlueCielo Application Manager

Configuring a Publisher cluster

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